
Treviso is a city to visit in every season, with the slow pace of those who want to savor every corner, discover original views, breathe in the peaceful city life. The heart of the city and meeting place for Treviso residents is piazza dei Signori with its Palazzo dei Trecento and the elegant Loggia Dei Cavalieri.

The two rivers, Sile and Cagnan, wind their way through the streets and give a unique charm to the historic center enclosed by the ancient walls. The arcaded houses with beautiful frescoed facades that are reflected on the Buranelli canal and the Isola della Pescheria, created in the Cagnan river to house the fish market, tell of Treviso’s close link with its waters.

A notable monument is the Duomo which contains, inside the Malchiostro Chapel, the frescoes by Pordenone and the altarpiece with the Annunciation by Titian. Other artistic treasures are enclosed in the museum complex of Santa Caterina dei Servi di Maria, including the cycle of the stories of Sant’Orsola by Tommaso da Modena, and some works by G. Bellini, Lotto, Tiziano, J. Bassano. Also worth a visit is the Dominican church of San Nicolò, with the famous chapter room frescoed by Tommaso da Modena. For art lovers, the appointment is in the Casa dei Cararresi, which in recent years has become the site of prestigious international exhibitions. In short, a city that knows how to give magical moments to those who love to walk unhurriedly following the waterways, on cobblestones worn by time and history to then find themselves sitting in a tavern and in small bars overlooking the squares savoring the delicacies of the land of Treviso.